Blower silencer sets

Blower silencer sets

Look at our latest projects and deliveries! Specialists in noise control Blower silencer sets The pictured silencer is part of a very recently supplied blower silencer set containing three silencers for DN200 to DN300 inlet, pre-inlet and outlet connections. The...
TIO’ s 85th anniversary

TIO’ s 85th anniversary

Look at our latest projects and deliveries! Specialists in noise control TIO’ s 85th anniversary On the 11th of October we were very proud and happy to celebrate TIO’ s 85th anniversary. We celebrated 85 years of experience in steel construction, maritime...
Thermal insulations

Thermal insulations

Look at our latest projects and deliveries! Specialists in noise control Thermal insulations More and more we supply our products including prefab installed thermal insulations. Of course transport must be done with care to avoid damages, but the advantages are clear...
Noise measurements

Noise measurements

Look at our latest projects and deliveries! Specialists in noise control Noise measurements Noise measurements are a regular part of our business. We can calculate for hours in detail, we can engineer it all in 3D, but in the end the on-site parameters can never be...
More TIO news?

More TIO news?

Look at our latest projects and deliveries! Specialists in noise control More TIO news? During a severe website hack in the final months of 2020, all our newsflashes unil that date were destroyed. We decided to restore the newsflashes for a term of approximately 1.5...