by AdminPat256797@12313 | 29 Apr, 2023 | Uncategorized
Look at our latest projects and deliveries! Specialists in noise control Packing options sDesigning and manufacturing these superbe TIO products is not typically sufficient to guarantee that these superbe products are supplied to the clients delivery adress in the...
by AdminPat256797@12313 | 27 Mar, 2023 | Uncategorized
Look at our latest projects and deliveries! Specialists in noise control Air blow off noise Air blow off noise can be extremely loud. Like airplane or jet fighter loud. Such blow off or venting systems and such noise require special blow off silencers. Following our...
by AdminPat256797@12313 | 24 Feb, 2023 | Uncategorized, Uncategorized
Look at our latest projects and deliveries! Specialists in noise control Diffuser silencers Our share in the market for blow off silencers, for pressurised noise control and diffuser silencers keeps growing and growing. This is mainly driven by the constant supply of...
by AdminPat256797@12313 | 27 Jan, 2023 | Uncategorized
Look at our latest projects and deliveries! Specialists in noise control containerised power The market of containarised power solution is one of the oldest international markets that we supply on. From small powerpacks to very large datacenter projects: we make them...
by AdminPat256797@12313 | 20 Dec, 2022 | Uncategorized
Look at our latest projects and deliveries! Specialists in noise control Merry Xmas! This time of the year again! Ending 2022….when we thought Covid ended but other shit started. A year full of global and national crises. Even the Covid seems to come back, well...
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