by Quirine Starreveld | 10 Jul, 2020 | Uncategorized
Look at our latest projects and deliveries! Specialists in noise control Energy future As a supplier in the energy markets we closely follow all national and international discussions, opinions, developments and fights regarding the energy future. It is very clear...
by Quirine Starreveld | 15 Jun, 2020 | Uncategorized
Look at our latest projects and deliveries! Specialists in noise control Air treatment Begin this month we supplied these two large process air silencers for a large air application. One silencer will be installed on the inletside of the equipment while the other one...
by Quirine Starreveld | 6 Apr, 2020 | Uncategorized
Look at our latest projects and deliveries! Specialists in noise control Covid-19 Last months the world was turned upside down by the Covid-19 virus and ‘Corona news’ rules the media. However we see a small slow progress all over Europe and further now,...
by Quirine Starreveld | 3 Mar, 2020 | Uncategorized
Look at our latest projects and deliveries! Specialists in noise control Built in SCR We can design and supply fairly any custom model of silencers with integrated SCR units for both stationary and marine power systems for commercial vessels and yachts. This...
by AdminPat256797@12313 | 25 Feb, 2020 | Uncategorized
Look at our latest projects and deliveries! Specialists in noise control fan silencers in process Shot from far and not the best pic but it’ s not that often that we can see our products running like these 2 large fan silencers in operation. The silencers were...
by AdminPat256797@12313 | 24 Jan, 2020 | Uncategorized
Look at our latest projects and deliveries! Specialists in noise control International silencer system specialist Humble but proud: we are international silencer system specialists. Only already again in January this new year 2020 we have received orders from and for...
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